
Final Semester (2019)

# Name
1 Core Project-II
2 Chemistry of Life
3 Modern Optics

7th Semester (Fall 2018)

# Name
1 Applied Cryptography
2 Advanced Algorithms
3 Marketing Metrics
4 Core Project - I
5 Logic For Computer Science
6 Core Industry Internship And Colloquium

6th Semester (Spring 2018)

# Name
1 Inroduction to Database Systems
2 Computer Networks
3 Logic and Computability
4 Advanced Computer Vision
5 Environmental Science and Engineering
6 Introduction to Fantasy and Science Fiction

5th Semester (Fall 2017)

# Name
1 Computer Vision
2 Machine Learning
3 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
4 Operating Systems
5 Modern Algebra
6 Critical Thinking

4th Semester (Spring 2017)

# Name
1 Artificial Intelligence
2 Programming Paradigms and Pragmatics
3 Software Systems Laboratory
4 Fundamentals of Management and Marketing
5 Intro. to Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes
6 Complex Analysis

3rd Semester (Fall 2016)

# Name
1 Data Structures
2 Computer Architecture
3 Digital Electronics Circuits
4 Digital Electronics Laboratory
5 Material Science and Engineering
6 Financial Markets and Institutions

2nd Semester (Spring 2016)

# Name
1 Discrete Mathematical Structures
2 Product Design and Realization-I
3 Intro. to Computing
4 Principles of Economics
5 Linear Algebra
6 Physics Laboratory

1st Semester (Fall 2015)

# Name
1 Intro. to Computer Science and Engineering
2 Real Analysis
3 Mathematics Laboratory
4 Principles of Electrical Engineering
5 Quantum Physics
6 Structure, Reactivity, and Dynamics
7 Chemistry Laboratory
8 Professional Communication
9 Intro. to Humanities and Social Sciences